Surgery Loans

Get Approval for Surgery Loans

When you are involved in a personal injury incident, you may be dealing with severe injuries, not to mention emotional and financial losses. You already have an attorney working on your case and seeking fair compensation for your losses, but you have a problem: you need surgery for one or more injuries, but you are running low on money to pay your medical bills. Your lawsuit settlement is not yet here, your doctor won’t lien the settlement, and you need surgery now.

Here at Any Lawsuits, we’re pleased to offer surgical loans so you can get the essential medical care you need. This surgery funding is a non-recourse loan, which means you only pay us back if your injury case is successful. We know what a stressful time this is, and we want to offer help. Please call us at (877) 386-3379 to start your application. It only takes a few minutes to fill out, and you have nothing to lose.

What Does Surgery Funding Pay For?

We offer our non-recourse loans to many injury victims. One of the common uses of our loans is to pay off medical expenses—even with insurance policies, patients can be vulnerable to the costs of health care. Surgery, especially when you need multiple surgeries, is one major expense for many people.

Not only are you paying for the surgery itself, but you may have many charges associated with the procedure. Here are some of the expensed you can use our surgery loan to help pay for:

  • Hospital stays: Some surgeries require patients to stay in the hospital for multiple days before and after the procedure. This is especially true if you have complications or suffer infections after surgery.
  • Anesthesia: Your bill will likely have charges for anesthesia where a physical had to administer the anesthesia to perform the operation.
  • Visits with the surgeon: You may have had to go to the surgeon’s office, or you are being charged for post-operation care.
  • Preoperation expenses: Your doctors may need to perform medical imaging tests or other tests before clearing you for surgery.
  • Medication expenses: You may need pain relief and antibiotics for your injuries and for recovery, and they can be quite costly.

When you need help with surgery expenses, don’t hesitate to seek help. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

What Injuries Do Surgical Loans Cover?

We do not limit what kinds of injuries you can seek surgical funding for. We help people seek financial help for surgeries of all kinds, but here are some of the injuries our clients need surgery for:

  • Fractures
  • Joint injures
  • Damaged tendons or muscles
  • Nerve damage
  • Brain injuries
  • Spinal cord and neck injuries
  • Internal organ damage

Some clients need funding because they have multiple injuries that need surgery, or they may need multiple procedures to help them address an injury. No matter what harm befell you, you can use our funding towards your surgical expenses if a doctor or surgery center will not offer a lien. Call us at (877) 386-3379 to start your application.

Who Can Receive Surgical Funding?

We always recommend that anyone interested in a loan reach out to us, and we can discuss the finer details of eligibility and navigate the nuance of your case. But here are some quick notes about eligibility for our surgery loans:

  • You must have a personal injury case or other qualifying legal case: Car accidents and other motor vehicle crashes are among the most frequent reasons our clients need surgical loans. We help people who need surgery after a slip and fall, maritime accident, workplace accident, and other cases involving injuries.
  • You must have a lawyer representing your case: As part of the application process, we need to discuss case details with your attorney and the likelihood of success. We also need to review potential case value to decide about the funding offer.
  • You must live in an eligible state: We may not offer surgery funding in your area, or we may only offer limited funding based on the expected settlement of your case. It’s best to reach out to our team to discuss these details.

We know what a tough time you’re going through, and we have some great news about our loans:

  • This isn’t a structured settlement: Traditional loans require you to repay your entire loan, regardless of the circumstances of your borrowing. With non-recourse loans, repayment is contingent on your case’s success.
  • We don’t check your credit: Our loans are based on the success of your case, and you only repay us if get compensation from your injury case. This means we don’t take your credit history or score into account when making a decision.
  • We don’t need additional collateral: Because of our loan structure, we don’t need additional collateral as part of our agreement, as the loan is based on your potential injury settlement.

Learn How to Apply for Surgery Loans with Any Lawsuits

When a doctor or surgery center refuses to go on a lien for your surgery expenses, don’t despair. Instead, start our easy application process. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Start by applying online or by phone. It only takes a few minutes, and we will call you back on the same day.
  • Provide any additional case details. When we call you, we will ask you questions about your case, surgical needs, and other details.
  • Grant us permission to speak to your attorney. Our specialists need to discuss additional factors in your case with your lawyer or the law firm representing you. This helps give us a better idea of how the case is going, the potential payout, and the current and potential surgical expenses.
  • Wait for our decision. You may receive approval from us within as little as 24 hours!
  • Sign our agreement. If you are approved for funding, we will send you the paperwork for review. You can ask us additional questions about repayment and fees, and other concerns you may have.
  • Wait for your loan. Once everything is submitted, we work on getting you your loan amount, which can happen in 48 hours or less after signing our documents.
  • Pay for your surgery costs! You can use your money for any necessary surgical expenses and rest easy knowing that you have some money to pay surgical bills while you wait for your lawsuit to conclude.

We understand what a rough spot you’re in right now, and we’d like to give you a hand. Call Any Lawsuits now at (877) 386-3379 to start your application. Remember, if your case is not successful, you do not have to pay us back!

Loan Application Submission

Have Any Question?

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us – our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.