Labor Law/NY 240 Lawsuit Funding

New York Labor Law Funding

Construction in New York City is a common occurrence, and it provides many jobs to workers. However, workers can be quite vulnerable to injuries, and worksite accidents often cause serious harm. New York’s labor laws, including the “scaffold law” outlined in NY 240, protect the rights of workers by allowing them to sue for damages if construction companies or building owners did not provide adequate safety measures.

While your construction accident lawyer is battling your employer in court for just compensation, you are likely behind on bills, out of work, and wondering how you can pay for everything. With labor law funding from Any Lawsuits, you have a solution to your financial worries.

We offer non-recourse lawsuit loans to eligible applicants, which means you only pay back the loan if your lawyer wins your case. Our risk-free loan offers a lifeline to financial stability while you wait for justice to arrive. Our application is free, so you have nothing to lose. Please call us at (877) 386-3379 to start your application now!

Who Can Apply for NY 240 Lawsuit Funding?

New York construction workers often work at great heights or are at job sites with machinery and materials high overhead. Workers who fall or are hurt by falling equipment are protected under NY 240 and can file a lawsuit. When workers or their families are involved in a lawsuit, they may be eligible to apply for labor law funding.

Here are some of the requirements for an Any Lawsuit settlement loan:

  • You must live in one of our covered states. Although we do not lend in some states and offer limited funding in others, we offer funding for New York clients.
  • You must have an attorney representing your labor accident case. Without an attorney representing your lawsuit, we cannot extend an NY 240 lawsuit loan to you.
  • We must review your case details to make a determination. When you fill out our application, we will look over your case and the potential payout to determine if your case is a good fit for our loan offers.

What Else Should I Know About Labor Law Settlement Loans?

There are a few benefits that you should also know about our funding:

  • We do not check credit scores. Many people may immediately think they do not qualify for funding because of their credit history. We’re pleased to let you know that this is not the case—your credit score is not a factor in approval!
  • You only pay us back if you win. We offer what is called a “non-recourse” loan. You might be accustomed to loans that you must pay back regardless of the outcome of your circumstances. With our lawsuit funding, you do not pay us back unless your lawyer earns a settlement on your behalf.
  • You do not need a cosigner. Someone else does not need to be on the hook for your loan, as our repayment comes from your case’s settlement or judgement.

You are going through a lot, and you shouldn’t have to struggle to make ends meet. Call Any Lawsuits at (877) 386-3379 to apply for a lawsuit loan now for free.

What Do Labor Law Settlement Loans Help With?

Any Lawsuits offers settlement loans to help with any expenses you have. You do not have to restrict yourself to certain expenses after your construction accident. Once you receive your cash advance, it’s yours to do with as you see fit. Some of the expenses you can put this loan towards includes:

  • Doctor’s office visits, prescription and over-the-counter medications, surgeries, physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Home modifications and assistive devices if your injuries have caused temporary or permanent disabilities
  • Transportation costs, including car-related expenses or public transportation fees
  • Household expenses like groceries, cleaning services, rent or mortgage, and power and light bills

Your income is probably very limited right now since you cannot go back to work, or you have missed out on income for extended periods of time while you were recovering. Our labor law settlement funds aim to help you stay afloat while you wait for your claim or lawsuit to come through.

How Can I Apply for NY 240 Lawsuit Funding?

Applying for loans through Any Lawsuits is quite simple—we aim to make this process as smooth as possible. Dealing with your injuries and a lawsuit are stressful enough, and this shouldn’t be another stressor.

  • Apply Online or On the Phone: The application for lawsuit loans only takes a few minutes. You can fill out our form on our site or you can give us a call.
  • Wait for Us to Reach Out to You: Once you apply, you should hear from us the same day you apply. We will go over the details of your case, and you can ask us any questions or concerns you might have.
  • Give Us Permission to Discuss Your Case with Your Lawyer: We need to discuss your labor law case with your construction accident lawyer. The information is crucial to our approval process. Here, we decide if your case is eligible and how much you could receive.
  • Sign Our Lending Documents: If you’re approved for a settlement loan, we’ll get the paperwork to you ASAP. As soon as you fill out the agreement and sign everything you need to, we’ll work on getting you your loan amount. We approve many applicants within 24 hours of their request.
  • Get Your Cash Advance: We send your loan by check or wire transfer, anywhere from 24 to 48 hours of approval. As soon as the money is available, you can use it to pay for your bills and expenses.
  • Repay the Loan (But Only If You Win!): Per our agreement, your repayment will come from your settlement or loan. When you apply and go over the paperwork, we’ll outline our terms, but remember: if your lawyer does not win your case, you don’t pay us back!

Get Started With Labor Law Accident Loans Right Now

Falling off of something on a construction site or being hurt by falling machinery can be terrifying and painful. You deserve some financial stability right now while you wait for your lawyers to hold negligent parties liable for your harm. Call Any Lawsuits at (877) 386-3379 to get started with your no-risk, non-recourse loan now!

Loan Application Submission

Have Any Question?

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us – our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.